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"Fire Your Webmaster
Within the Next Few Minutes,
So You Can Get Back To
(and Enjoy)
Making Money on the Internet!"

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By Mastering WordPress & Website Creation

From the Desk Of: Robert Plank & Lance Tamashiro
Date: Wednesday, 8:08AM

Allow me to be the first to tell you that you're not alone when it comes to being frustrated with your website.

There are too many choices when creating a website.
Perhaps you've tried free hosting, or maybe you paid an agency thousands of dollars per month.

If you're like 28% of website owners out there, you chose WordPress to run your website.

After all, huge companies like The Walt Disney Company, The New York Times, TechCrunch, and Target use this tool and it's 100% free.

Here's What's Great About WordPress:
It's the Most Powerful, Flexible,
and Easy-to-Use Website Creator Ever Invented!

In the past, you'd have to settle for something that was hard, expensive, or too simple for your website creation needs.

Let's face it: when you create a website for yourself or for clients, you need to be able to set it up fast. It needs to be easy to use and bug-free. It needs to have all the functionality to completely change the look and feel if you want. It needs to be just as easy as editing a Word document.

Use WordPress
to Create Any Type of Website
You Want!

What used to take years can now be done in 3 seconds and 3 mouse clicks.

Don't let your business be held hostage by a feature-starved monthly software or an expensive done-for-you web agency.

Host your WordPress site on your own web host so that you have a web property that you fully control.

The only problem with WordPress is that, while it is easy to use and can be modified to do anything and everything, you'll get overwhelmed with all the possibilities if you don't have a guide to show you the step by step process to:

  • setup and customize your blog's look (design and colors), functionality (pop-ups, contact forms), content (journal entries, about pages, legal pages), and structure
  • simplify the process to narrow down the exact theme, settings, plugins and tweaks to get you the blog, hero site, magazine site, funnel, review site, sales site or affiliate site you deserve to have in your hands today
  • explain and show you the best practices, case studies, real-world examples, common stumbling blocks (plus how to overcome them), shortcuts, and workflows to get it all done
  • give you the exact information you need to create as many websites as you want, as many times as you want, as fast as you want, customized to any extent you want... no matter if you're a tech geek or this is your first website

Fortunately, I can help get you the website you want, faster than you thought you could get it, for a much lower cost than you were expecting. In fact, I can show you how to setup a website TODAY (and even in the next few minutes) to set it up yourself the way YOU want it, and then you can decide if you'd like to hire a coder or web designer to improve on your "proof-of-concept."

You might have tried figuring this all out yourself, struggling to follow outdated YouTube videos or techy tutorials and threw up your hands in frustration.

Today's the day you can finally stop worrying, because you found this webpage, and...

You Discovered the Ultimate Guide
to Setting Up & Managing WordPress,
The Easy Way, and It's Called:

WP Crusher 2.0

If you've ever felt confused and overwhelmed when it comes to WordPress or setting up your website in general, OR if you've fumbled around in the past and want to up your game, WP Crusher is the course for you. (Hint: you could take this course yourself OR hand it off to a virtual assistant.)

In just a moment, we want you to click the button at the bottom of this page, proceed through the online checkout process and claim instant access to the member's area where we walk you through everything you need to know to get the most out of WordPress...

That includes not just setting up a new website if you don't have one (can be done in under 3 minutes), but getting your site to a "starting point" fast (just the right settings, themes, and plugins), and finally, improving it with your own logos, graphics, links, and more. And that's where we start with our WP Crusher digital course, delivered instantly...

Module 1:
Setup & Customize Your WordPress Website,
As We Create a Real Site (In Just a Few Clicks) Right in Front of You

To start WP Crusher, we quickly show you how to grab a domain name, point it to web hosting, and on that web hosting space, install a WordPress blog. After those first few steps in the first few minutes, you're using WordPress.

That means you don't have to FTP, upload or download, you don't have to edit code AND you don't need to know HTML (or CSS) unless you want to. Clicking around to edit and update your website. Freedom!

As you get the hang of your WordPress site, we'll show you...

  • all around the WordPress dashboard and cPanel manager: check the uptime, health, and traffic of your site at any time
  • how to "trick out" your site's settings and manage your content, so you can build out your web presence in just a few clicks
  • the best steps to getting your website looking the way you want it by adding your own logo, images, colors, tracking code, web apps, affiliate links, and more

Module 2:
Content & Search Engine Optimization

Although WordPress is a "blogging" software, you can use it to create any type of website you want, even if that site doesn't include an "online journal" component. You could create a site for yourself as an author, speaker, expert, magazine, vlogger, or even a local business -- or setup a any client.

Even if you've already used WordPress, you might be surprised at the new things you can accomplish with this web-based software while saving time in your business every single day. You'll discover...

  • how to quickly load up content into your site and even drip content on a schedule with no additional plugins or add-ons
  • video tutorials and instructions showing you how to add any image, audio, video (YouTube or self-hosted), PDF document... any file or enhancement to your site, with zero uploading, in just a few clicks
  • click-by-click help to get your site's structure (navigation) in place, offsite links as well as your sidebar
  • life-saving "search engine optimization" tactics and strategies to ensure you rank highly in the search engines, which means more eyeballs on your sites, and, more importantly, you rank higher than your competition

Module 3:
Security, Speed & List Building

Don't become another statistic, and DON'T let your website get hacked! But are you sure you're completely safe? You certain you have everything in place to prevent that from happening? Are you staying up to date? Keeping the bots and bad guys out? Do you have "alarms" in place in case they do get in? What about backups in case your site is wiped out?

Many People Don't Want to
Consider the Worst-Case Scenario:
That One Day, You'll Wake Up
to a Hacked Website!

That means the site is gone (possibly sending out spam using YOUR web hosting account) and any income, traffic, and search engine rankings from those sites might take MONTHS to come back.

Protect Against Hackers

Instead of crossing your fingers, wouldn't it be wise to run your site through the same tools we do? I'm talking about keeping your site up to date, "hardening" and installing lock-outs.

Speed Up Your Site

As if hackers weren't enough to deal with, search engines such as Google and Facebook are the "Gods" of the internet and any rules they decide to implement can drastically affect the future of your business. After all, haven't you heard of online businesses failing because of a "Google-slap" or a sudden change in the rules?

One "change" is this: Search engines want all websites to load quickly, within 2 seconds. That means if your site runs too slowly, you won't rank highly and you'll miss out on organic search regardless of what other techniques you try.


Don't let search engines penalize you for slow speed and definitely don't let the hackers in. Let us (Robert and Lance) demonstrate how to protect your site from hackers, comply with Google, provide a great user experience for your visitors (by loading quickly and being easy to navigate) in this module of WP Crusher where we:

  • Protect your site ("harden it" from hackers) to close common back-doors and brute-force robots (attempting to login with every possible password), THEN update it AND back it up in case something happens to it
  • Speed up your site (caching) so that it loads quickly and can handle thousands of visitors at a time -- have you heard the rumor that "WordPress sites are slow?" The ONLY reason is because those WordPress website owners forgot to check a simple checkbox, and we'll show you how to check that special box
  • Adding other guest users (such as virtual assistants), log your visitor searches (so you know what new content to add to your site), build a list (using email, Facebook Messenger and Chrome Desktop Notifications) and so much more

We believe that by the time you get to this point in your WP Crusher journey, you'll have a new grasp on WordPress and what's possible with your website. Things that may seem complicated or "technical" to others (your competitors) are actually time-saving and money-saving shortcuts for you. You figured out how to get what you want out of the software without falling down the "rabbit hole" of geek speak. And finally...

Module 4:
Add-Ons & Resources

I just want you to know that while WordPress is free, very customizable, and very easy to use, its true power (and advantage over any other solution out there) is that over 29,000 WordPress plugins (add-ons) exist to do everything to your site from adding a pop-up, email capture form, quiz, job site, message board, anything you want!

But there's a real problem... WHICH plugins are the best ones? For example:

  • When it comes to caching (speeding up) your site, you may have heard of: WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache, WP Quick Cache, Autoptimize, WP Rocket, Cloudflare, and others... so which one? There are over 221 pages of caching plugins in the WordPress directory
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) plugins... you may (or may not) have heard of All in One SEO Pack, Yoast SEO, Jetpack, so which one is the best? (226 pages in the WordPress directory to choose from)
  • You may have come across similar frustrations when trying to add a plugin to handle 404 pages, off-site redirects, spam protection, security (WordFence? Sucuri? Bulletproof Security? All-in-One WP Security?) and more... there are so many plugins to choose from, you're not sure if you should go with the newest, oldest, most recently updated? Will it even do what you want?

That's exactly why WP Crusher gives you our list of recommended plugins PLUS how to use them. You'll never again be left hanging, wondering, "WHICH contact form plugin? WHICH redirect plugin?" Here's what you'll get:

  • Help to add legal pages, an about page and contact us page... what text to add, which plugins to use, and how to get it all in place
  • How to protect your comments from spam and stop bots from slowing down your site
  • Make your site mobile responsive and add Google maps to your local business
  • Easily add tables (grids) and tabs to ANY WordPress web page in just a few clicks

Make sure you continue reading until the end of this web page, because you're going to be SHOCKED at the price. We've been using WordPress for years in our business, and were one of the first people to create an info-product teaching WordPress specifically to internet marketers, nearly a decade ago.

It's Time for "WordPress"
to Become the "Free" Employee
In Your Business
That Never Quits or Calls in Sick

Think about this: if mastering the tool called WordPress means you didn't have to pay a webmaster to run your site 24 hours a day (and wait weeks for changes you could make in ten seconds), or if it frees up the time (or money) for you to hire more employees, wouldn't "WP Crusher" and its training be worth many times what you paid for it?

We want you to finally have your turn and no longer MISS OUT on the amazing speed of implementation and expandability available to you with WordPress, which you can only properly use if you have a step-by-step guide showing you how. (Hint: trying to piece together "tips" from Facebook, YouTube, and message boards) does not count as a GUIDE and is a path to frustration...

Instead of making those common mistakes, join WP Crusher right now to watch us create a site with you. We setup a real site for our real online business so you can follow along EXACTLY with what we do...

Congratulations (In Advance)
for Joining "WP Crusher"

In just a few moments from now, you'll be able to create (and run) a self-hosted WordPress site with the WP Crusher training course to help guide you. You are no longer "required" to know any coding languages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, or JavaScript -- UNLESS you want to find out "just enough to be dangerous" and make extra customizations to your site.

You also don't need to know how to edit code or FTP. You don't need to install ANY programs on your computer if you don't want to, so this course still works exactly the same regardless of if you're on Mac or PC. Best of all, by using WordPress, you'll have 100% full control of your site and won't be at the mercy of any "monthly service" that may choose to change their pricing or features.

Plus, You're Fully Protected By Our
100% Money Back Guarantee

After you claim your instant access to WP Crusher below, if you decide you don't like WordPress, if you didn't have time to look through the videos, if you felt WP Crusher wasn't the BEST and MOST VALUABLE WordPress training you've ever seen in your life, then I insist that you contact us within 30 days and demand your money back from us.

You can provide a reason or have no reason at all for your instant refund.

WP Crusher
Order Acceptance Form

Here's everything you get when you join WP Crusher right now:

"WP Crusher" Training: 4 Modules
Module 1: Setup & Customize$197.00
Module 2: Content & Search Engine Optimization$197.00
Module 3: Security, Speed & List Building$197.00
Module 4: Add-Ons & Resources$197.00
Included Today
Challenges for Each Module: easy assignment after each session$497.00
Video & Audio Training: available 24 hours a day$197.00
Transcripts: view or print anytime$197.00
Lifetime Access: come back 24 hours a day forever$497.00
Total Real World Value Today:

Click the button below to join, and you'll get instant access.

Just $29.95 Today!

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